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Get Your Free Copies of "Think and Grow Rich" and "The Sales Whisperer® Way"

The Sales Whisperer Way Front Back Cover

How can Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, the Long Beach Airport men's room, and kids with braces help you prospect, market, and close the sale?

In this collection of stories and lessons you'll read relevant and "crazy" examples to engage your brain, your creativity, and your passion to excel to help you sell more, faster, at higher margin, with less stress and more fun.

Pigs vs Sharks
The difference between Pigs & Sharks, and how to protect yourself and your business from both. 

Understand Your #1 Job
The #1 job of a Business Owner, Sales Manager & Sales Person. (Hint: They are not the same.)

Life’s Too Short For Follow-up Calls! 
Apply this principle to accelerate your sales growth.

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