The Business Fixer Blog by Wes Schaeffer, The Sales Whisperer®

Discover & Deploy The Better, Faster Way With Amber Vilhauer

Written by Wes Schaeffer | Dec 10, 2019

Be Smart, Efficient, and Effective

Click here to download the episode. 


Sales Tips you'll learn today on The Sales Podcast...

  • Started in 2007 as being "all things to all people" and approached burnout
  • How to do more, faster while maintaining quality
  • Systems and processes are key
  • You must document and delegate
  • Stay organized with to-do lists by creating tomorrow's list tonight
  • Colored pens, sticky notes
  • Business Journal + Notes for today from conversations
  • Spends 60-90 minutes per week to map out all projects for the week for all businesses
  • Delegates a lot via video
  • Archives the video for future staff
  • Has created a 2-hour video for a customer journey, had it transcribed, and tabbed for faster training
  • Video can be watched a double-speed
  • Voxer is her secret weapon for team communications

  • "There has to be a better/faster way."
  • Focus on one thing on your website pages
  • Experiential websites are needed
  • Have less content, not more
  • Sites need to be updated every two years (but some industries can go longer)
  • Your blog needs to be updated weekly
  • Make a batch of short tip videos of 3-5 minutes each 
  • Document a process to repurpose that video (See Ana Hoffman's episode on repurposing)

  • "Leverage to Scale"
  • Your content shows you're an expert/authority on the topic
  • It's less about them reading/consuming your stuff and more about them seeing you as the expert
  • Most business owners have a dysfunctional relationship with their VAs
  • VAs need structure
  • Business owners don't know how to provide that structure
  • 35-page podcast protocol
  • To grow your marketing in 2020...focus on relationships first
  • Do more video
  • Schedule your Live videos then repurpose them
  • The #1 mistake authors make is writing their book and then saying "Okay. Now what?"
  • The longevity of your book is also her concern

Links Mentioned In The Sales Podcast