The Business Fixer Blog by Wes Schaeffer, The Sales Whisperer®

Autoklose Sales Engagement Platform on The CRM Sushi Podcast

Written by Wes Schaeffer | Mar 06, 2020

Close more deals faster

Stream below or right click here to download the episode.


What You'll Learn In This Episode of The CRM Sushi Podcast...

  • Sales engagement with a B2B database rolled into one platform
  • All data is B2B email
  • Helps you find great leads
  • 44% of salespeople only follow-up once
  • Autoklose helps you automate your follow-up with qualified leads
  • InfoUSA or
  • Connects to your own ESP—GMail, Outlook—and sends on your behalf
  • 150-250 per day is his recommended sweet spot for outreach
  • They allow up to 500 per day
  • Run many different campaigns that run automatically and stops automatically when the prospect replies
  • Dashboard updates every 5 minutes
  • Four simple steps to launch a Campaign
  • He includes weekends when he's reaching out to C-Level executives but not managers
  • Cold outreach cadence of 3-4 days is good in the beginning
  • Scans email for SPAM content
  • Embed video with Vidyard
  • Sequence stops when actions are taken
  • A/B split test
  • Everything is BCC'd back to your CRM so it's tracked
  • Send short emails of 50-75 words
  • Personalization is key
  • They are Google-approved by passing an expensive Google audit
  • Building cadences for every industry (free tool)
  • Offers content and cadence building as a service
  • On-boarding and training now part of all new accounts
  • Free support
  • 14-day free trial

Watch Previous Episodes of The CRM Sushi Podcast

Links Mentioned In The CRM Sushi Podcast