The Business Fixer Blog by Wes Schaeffer, The Sales Whisperer®

Use Your Personality In Marketing To Grow Your Brand, Erin Chase

Written by Wes Schaeffer | Jan 04, 2021


  • You always know people at events
  • She reached out before Ontrapalooza to fellow speakers via Twitter
  • Started her business in the summer of 2008 when gas prices went up
  • You have more control over your grocery bill
  • Three phase approach to launching her business
  • August 21, 2008 the name "$5 Dinner" just hit her
  • She was already blogging on Blogspot
  • October 2008 she put ads on her site, which had good traffic due to the topic and she made a few hundred bucks and she knew she was onto something
  • Trial and error and a lot of research
  • Had a good circle of friends who shared tips


  • Consumer behavior has changed around coupons
  • Didn't do any PPC since 2016 and then only for a bit then she started it up in 2019
  • Has decent SEO but great domain reputation and good social media platforms that have grown with her site
  • Pinterest is #1 for her and Facebook is #2
  • You have to feed all of them..."We're trying to fill the internet with our content." 
We're trying to fill the internet with our content."
  • Be consistent in providing value and serve your community
  • "What's working in Erin's kitchen?"
  • Some of this is personality driven
  • It's relatable
  • "The struggle is real."
  • "Email is still #1. It's where you talk to your people."
  • Signed on with St. Martin's Press in February 2009 to do three cookbooks
  • She had a Yahoo Group and moved them to the next viable platform
  • Hired her first contractor in 10 months as soon as she could afford it

  • This is a "freight train."
  • Two meal plan memberships were created because people asked for it
  • Listen to the needs of your community
  • She is fearless and has a great team so she launches quickly
  • 2020 slowed down her launches tremendously, but it was a minor launch
  • She has eight launches planned for 2021
  • Kept the lights on and listened in 2020
  • She has to remind herself to stay in her lane, which is food
  • Give yourself space and permission to expand your creativity if you have that itch/need
  • Still runs everything on Ontraport but augmented it with Shopify, which is integrated
  • Any and all technology will break so focus on your offer
  • Flip the excuse into an expectation
  • "The internet is drunk this week."
  • You have to set aside time to learn your software and tools
  • Your software can replace one or more staff members
  • If it's not broke, don't fix it
  • She will "audit" her courses and programs annually to make sure things are as they should be
  • Plan. Implement. Evaluate.
  • Make video tutorials for her team to train her assistant and staff and to catch what she missed
  • Follow a regular promotion schedule
  • She'll do some "hidden" or internal promotions regularly
  • "We've never done this before."

Links Mentioned In The Sales Podcast

Check out Erin Chase's first appearance on The Sales Podcast back on episode 169.