Thank you for attending.
Thank you for investing your time and your money to extend your conference experience to participate in this bonus day dedicated to selling.
Over the next hour I will earn the investment of your attention as I review with you the key pieces to selling more, faster, at higher margin, with less stress, and more fun. Deal?
But first...I have a confession to make.
I do not travel on a private jet. (In fact, I hardly travel at all.)
I do not have a personal trainer, a private chef, or a nannie.
In 21 years of marriage my wife and I have purchased one new car, which we bought within a month of arriving at Keesler Air Force Base in Biloxi, MS in October, 1995. (We had been married less than a month—I might add—and the circumstances leading up to that rash purchase is a story I'll share with you later in this session.)
But suffice it to say that I have intentionally, purposely, and deliberately defined success and leading an extraordinary life in a vastly different manner than most in society do today.
Yes, those are all of my children (during our family vacation in Maui in July 2015).
No, there are no twins. (But my sons were born less than one year apart, and I have an interesting story around the "four month pregnancy" we had with our second son. More on that in a few.)
No, this is not a blended family.
Yes, my wife works...HARD at home and has ever since the day she quit her easy corporate job in mid-September 1995, two weeks before we got married.
Yes, we have a TV.
Yes, we know what causes that.
We must be Catholic or Mormon, right? Right. We're Catholic.
Yes, we know how expensive college is.
No, neither of us came from a large family.
No, we didn't plan on having this many kids when we got married. In fact, our 5th child was the only one we tried to have.
No, the youngest who is 6.5 years younger than her sister was not an accident. We had three miscarriages between those births. Apparently a woman needs her thyroid levels to be in the normal range or miscarriages increase 50% so God wasn't telling us "that we're done" when we suffered through those miscarriages. He was telling us my wife needed thyroid surgery and medication to get her thyroid levels regulated.
And God was right!
Now does that mean I've used my family as an excuse to sit around and underperform?
Not at all.
Since resigning my commission as a Captain in the United States Air Force in the late summer of 1997 I have successfully sold:
All of that was done while I was working for someone else in Corporate America.
Since starting The Sales Whisperer® in 2006 I've...
But it wasn't always flip flops and lollipops.