The Business Fixer Blog by Wes Schaeffer, The Sales Whisperer®

Persuade With Integrity To Make Every Sale, Jason Linett

Written by Wes Schaeffer | Jun 05, 2019

Sell On Purpose, Persuade Profitably 

Click here to download the episode. 


Sales Tips you'll learn today on The Sales Podcast...

  • Hypnosis is the bypassing of the critical part of the mind
  • Stop being so nervous giving a talk
  • I will persuade you to do what you already want to do by using your own words
  • Sell in alignment with integrity
  • Place the ownership on the other party as WIIFM
  • Be positively cynical by answering "Yeah? So what?"
  • Show the benefits
  • "Do not think of a purple elephant behind a white picket fence with a little yapping dog."
  • Neuroscience is showing more about the brain
  • Language helps us convey images and ideas
  • "Hey, I know you're not ready to quit smoking but when you are or know someone who is please have them call me."
  • Before language there is emotional intelligence
  • Think of those days you accidentally feel good
  • Build the foundation to harness that state of mind on purpose with anchoring
  • Tie sensory states together
  • Bring them up on queue
  • Like hearing a song or smelling a smell

  • "Well, let's see how it goes."
  • Build rituals, go beyond habits
  • Reboot so your software loads in the proper sequence
  • The double-bind or alternate or assumptive close
  • Change the names of things and they appear differently
  • Bring out courses for your home meals to win over your children
  • Let the customer discuss their problems quickly with an agenda
  • Move towards the solution
  • Most businesses are on Facebook because they think they should be
  • Time in the room does not mean you're making a sale
  • See people where they are
  • Build systems
  • Build value in advance to accelerate the close
  • Work with focus and intention
  • It'll influence your prospects and you
  • Anchor spatial awareness
    • Distance and disassociate (use my right hand to indicate the past since we read left to right)
    • Point with my left to lead to the future
  • If they answer with a back-story use your gestures to anchor it to the past
  • Harness your people skills and do them better
  • All communication is influential and manipulative to a degree

Links Mentioned In The Sales Podcast