The Business Fixer Blog by Wes Schaeffer, The Sales Whisperer®

Sharecroppers, Stepchildren, Ugly Ducks, and Jeff Sexton

Written by Wes Schaeffer | Jun 06, 2020

How to reach people that don't want to be sold

Click here to download the episode. 


Sales Tips you'll learn today on The Sales Podcast...

  • Are you a farmer or a hunter?
  • Video views drop-off in the first 7 to 30 seconds
  • People think the technology will do the work for them
  • Technology + no sales system = frustration then failure
  • Ryan Deiss
    • Discovery content (Streaming is usually not great for this)
    • Community content (Streaming can be great here)
  • Email marketing is the red-headed stepchild of marketing

You're a sharecropper on social media."
  • Radio in the B2B space may not be the ideal medium for you
  • Targeted media can help with branding to get you on the shortlist in B2B
  • Radio is great for ugly-duck businesses
  • Gary Vaynerchuk had success on social media discussing wine
  • You need to be entertaining to deliver a message 
  • "The plan is nothing but the plan is everything." Eisenhower
  • If you wait until they need what you sell you have a credibility problem because they know you are trying to sell them.
  • The short list...intuitive and reputation
  • Prescription without diagnosis is malpractice
  • Starting to put systems in place and scale
  • May take 6-12 months to build name recognition
  • "Advertising is a tax for businesses that are unremarkable." Seth Godin
  • "Strong brands make for weak salespeople."
  • "Marketing is just selling in print." Claude Hopkins

Links Mentioned In The Sales Podcast