The Business Fixer Blog by Wes Schaeffer, The Sales Whisperer®

B2B Sales Is Still Person to Person Says Jeff White

Written by Wes Schaeffer | Apr 15, 2020

Specialize to diagnose and prescribe with speed

Click here to download the episode. 


Sales Tips you'll learn today on The Sales Podcast...

  • B2B manufacturing specialty
  • 17 years
  • 3 years with manufacturing
  • First HubSpot Platinum in Canada
  • His background is in web design and development
  • Brought on his partner in 2009 with a marketing/sales background
  • Got into HubSpot around 2010
  • They were the inbound partner who could build stuff
  • They had a technology stack and were horizontal
  • Tools became commoditized
    • Web design
    • Inbound marketing
  • Decided to focus more and become specialized
    • David C. Baker out of Nashville, TN
    • Chose manufacturing niche
  • Developed a keen sense of expertise
  • They see the same issues and can diagnose and prescribe faster
  • Started their own podcast in 2018

B2B sales is still person-to-person."
  • Orthodontists
    • They spend their own money and they're not sophisticated marketers
    • Easy to get clients for them via paid ads to a cost calculator
  • Account-based advertising is needed in manufacturing
  • How to thrive and prosper in difficult times: double-down on your marketing and outreach
    • B2B sales is still person-to-person
    • Know that we're in this together
    • Be willing to try new things
  • You can make big B2B sales in a remote/virtual environment
  • We all have the tools we need to thrive in chaotic times
  • Help your customers expand their vision and focus through the fog
  • The size of the B2B buying committee is growing
  • He was selling and servicing remotely before COVID-19
  • Companies are waking up to their supply chain vulnerabilities
  • The trend is to bring more manufacturing in-house
  • 3D-printing is helping them source/develop their own materials
  • M&A is going to heat up
  • Double-down on R&D and marketing
  • A lot of sales and marketing happens before your prospects even reach out to you
  • Is SEO dead?
    • SEO is more than "a thing to do"
    • You need a content strategy
    • But the whole point of creating content is to help people
    • It's not about gaming a keyword
    • It's not just a long tail hack
    • It's not keyword stuffing
    • Content that succeeds in search also succeeds for people
    • Know who you're selling to, what do they need, how can you help?
    • You're being looked at now
    • The hard close does not work in the complex sale
  • Are prospects honest today?
    • Inbound needs to be updated
    • He is un-gating a lot of content now
    • Open it up for account-based targeting
  • LinkedIn is awesome...when done right
  • You can get on people's radar without being pushy
  • He creates his target account list and has them on his podcast
  • Co-create content with your leads
  • Account-based targeting
  • Terminus lets you target a single company
  • Reallocate your trade show marketing to develop your ecommerce platform
  • Plant your seeds now for a big harvest in the next 6-18 months

Links Mentioned In The Sales Podcast