The Business Fixer Blog by Wes Schaeffer, The Sales Whisperer®

Learn the 'Hollywood Sales Method' With Mike Mark

Written by Wes Schaeffer | Oct 19, 2019

Hire Top Sales Talent With This Process

Click here to download the episode. 



Sales Hiring Tips you'll learn today on The Sales Podcast...

  • Learned sales in timeshares
  • The ethics didn't sit well with him
  • Have some give-and-take in the conversation
  • It's not 100% questions
  • The Hollywood Sales Method in three acts
    • Discover the desire
    • Build the belief
    • Figuring out the next steps
  • Use new metaphors/analogies to feed back to the prospect to "parrot" them without being a mirror image
  • This requires practice to make it become second nature

  • Find the common personality traits of sales candidates
  • Look for sales reps whose parents were in sales
  • Common tongue = mind. Native tongue = heart.
  • Great salespeople are already employed
  • Mark looks for a sore spot with the salesperson for "passive recruiting"
    • Sophisticated vs. unsophisticated buyers
    • Socioeconomics
    • Education
    • Personality profiles
    • Job history
    • Age
  • High-end salespeople are usually 100% commission via 1099 ($8k to $15k)
  • On-target earnings are key
  • Maybe appointment setters are on salary
  • No resumes
  • Roll-play is key in interviews
  • Show they can take you on the buyer's journey
  • Prove they can apply pressure without being pushy
  • Split test your new-hires
  • Don't have closers do outbound
  • Salespeople are lazy so if you treat them right they'll be loyal
  • Team-building and culture-building are important
  • To create trust, be consistent
  • Mastery of sales is mastery of yourself

Links Mentioned In The Sales Podcast