The Business Fixer Blog by Wes Schaeffer, The Sales Whisperer®

Why Video Is 'The New Fire,' With Nick Francis of Casual Films

Written by Wes Schaeffer | Mar 13, 2020

Your customers will tell you why you're special

Click here to download the episode. 


Sales Tips you'll learn today on The Sales Podcast...

  • Drove from London to Mongolia in Mini Cooper
  • Wanted to drive an old car that would break down and that's part of the adventure
  • 2006 made video diaries for Expedia
  • Had a great client and some money left over
  • Four offices around the world
  • Be authentic
  • Strip away the ego
  • Strip away the brand
  • Strip away the logo
  • Understand your audience's challenges
  • Talk to those challenges

Your customers will tell you why you're special, if you ask. "
  • You need to talk to your customers
  • Talk to your top five clients
  • Ask them why they came to you
  • Do the work and get the details on why they love you and tell that story
  • Tell a touching story
  • Talk to your customers to find why you're special
  • Now run with that
  • Go deep on one story
  • Illustrate how you care
  • How you do anything is how you do everything
  • Be incredibly specific

Links Mentioned In The Sales Podcast