The Business Fixer Blog by Wes Schaeffer, The Sales Whisperer®

Nik Bhatia, Layered Money, Bitcoin, Digital Currencies, Money, & You

Written by Wes Schaeffer | Jul 11, 2021

Will Central Banks Be Replaced By Cryptocurrencies?


Sales Tips you'll learn today on The Sales Podcast...

  • Geopolitical approach to business and life and war and things that shape our lives
  • CFA—Chartered Financial Analyst
  • What is happening holistically
  • We've been hearing about Bitcoin since 2012

  • He didn't look into it until 2016
  • Bitcoin is a tool for freedom

Bitcoin is a tool for freedom."
  • Bitcoin is not Netscape or is the internet!
  • It's a software protocol and the unit—the money—in that protocol
  • It's a set of rules
  • The protocol level of Bitcoin can be compared to HTTP or SMTP
  • It is nuanced
  • It's not a company, it's a set of rules

  • "Legacy people" are fun to watch as they change their tunes on Bitcoin
  • Jamie Diamond is now all-in on Bitcoin
  • Elon Musk is narcissistic, which is good and bad. He's a cult of personality, so let's look at Warren Buffett, etc.
  • The legacy money guys don't understand Bitcoin

  • Mining, hashrate, the energy...that's what backs up the currency
  • It's a computational energy network
  • The legacy money guys are afraid of populism
  • The internet is a disruptive power and has distributed power as Bitcoin is doing
  • Bitcoin empowers the people
  • The institutions have to protect themselves from Bitcoin
  • The foundation of "Layered Money: From Gold and Dollars to Bitcoin and Central Bank Digital Currencies"
  • Your so-called money falls into a hierarchy
    • Venmo balance
    • Cash in your pocket
    • Wells Fargo savings
    • They all have different counter-parties
  •  "The Inherent Hierachy of Money" by Perry Mehrling, Columbia University, 2012
  • Bitcoin is independent of the layered structure
  • "Mastering Bitcoin," Andreas M. Antonopoulos
  • "Inventing Bitcoin: The Technology Behind the First Truly Scarce and Decentralized Money Explained," Yan Pritzker
  • He hasn't been able to verify why Ethereum is money
  • He expresses his opinions by positions
  • Go buy $10-$20 of Bitcoin and download a smartphone Bitcoin wallet and practice sending yourself money from the exchange
  • Have a friend download a different wallet and learn how this works
  • Venmo and Bitcoin are not the same
  • Bitcoin derives none of its value from being easy to send
  • Bitcoin is valuable because it's a non-government currency
  • Blockstream's Green money app

Sales Growth Tools Mentioned In The Sales Podcast