The Business Fixer Blog by Wes Schaeffer, The Sales Whisperer®

Qurious Co-Founder Sabrina Atienza Is on The CRM Sushi Podcast #12

Written by Wes Schaeffer | May 05, 2017

Real-Time Voice A.I. To Drive Sales

Stream below or right click here to download the episode. 




What You'll Learn In This Episode of The CRM Sushi Podcast...

  • Sabrina Atienza UC Berkeley - physics and computer science and her co-founder is math, electrical engineering, and computer science
  • Tried selling this into big-pharma and large enterprise
  • She memorized scripts to go door-to-door in high school to raise money
  • She learned all she could about sales. Lots of theory and hard to master it and apply it on a live call.
  • Deep Learning since maybe 2012 has made AI more practical
  • Speech recognition in real-time in 2007 was not possible
  • Prospects think there is “no way this will work in real-time.”

  • Recommends tight scripts for the first 20 seconds on a cold call.
  • Creates “battle cards” for salespeople to reply.
  • It takes practice to avoid cognitive overload.
  • Module #1: AI listens to the best reps on the team to see how they open, ask high-impact sales questions, qualify, sequence, probes, trial closes, etc. Turn that into Battle Cards.
  • Module #2: Real-time listening
  • Module #3: Analytics, post-mortem for management
  • Refresh content on a weekly basis in the listening to update Play Books rapidly vs. six months to have an outsider manually create this.
  • Make real scripts in real-time vs top-down creation and delivery of scripts.
  • Create Deck Sits on top of dialer or web conferencing platforms
  • She uses Outreach Sits in the browser and detects when a call starts from your computer Detects when the call ends so sales reps don’t even have to click out.
  • Full reporting and analytics.
  • Shows discounts, rep questions, customer profiles, customer questions, trial closes, next steps Sales teams as small as five reps.
  • Quantum Circuit Simulator during a hack-a-thon
  • $80/seat/mo + $49/mo/seat for analytics



Catch Up on Previous Episodes of The CRM Sushi Podcast

Links Mentioned In The CRM Sushi Podcast