The Business Fixer Blog by Wes Schaeffer, The Sales Whisperer®

Don't K.I.D. Yourself. Meet Sales Systems Expert, Rod Santomassimo

Written by Wes Schaeffer | Mar 27, 2020

Knowing Isn't Doing. Don't K.I.D. Yourself.

Click here to download the episode. 


Sales Tips you'll learn today on The Sales Podcast...

  • Why, regardless of the size of your company, you need to always have the mindset of being the CEO.
  • 7-Step Sales Playbook that will show you how to consistently find and win more high-quality opportunities
  • 3-Tiered Personal Marketing Plan that will allow you to differentiate yourself and ensure you remain top-of-mind with key market influencers
  • 4-Part Blueprint for Navigating Opportunities in your pipeline and moving them to close
  • 3-Key Elements of a Revenue-Focused Operations Plan affording you to work less while continuing to create consistent cash flow
  • Definitive, Proven Plan for leveraging your talents and enhancing your personal value, along with building your own team on a budget
  • Doing is knowing
  • Small hinges swing big doors
  • Attitude is not everything

If you don't have an admin, you are one." ~Jack Daily
It's never the who, it's the how." ~Dan Sullivan
  • Peter or Paula Plateau
  • Community proof, social proof, data proof ~Robert Cialdini
  • Why give away your best stuff up front for free?
  • What is the Presence Pyramid
    • Personal
    • Physical
    • Digital
  • How to use the Massimo Matrix to create content and connect with anyone
  • Your first is your worst. Get started.
  • 2008 started on his own during the Great Recession
  • Just hit send

Links Mentioned In The Sales Podcast