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"The customer is not a moron. She is your wife." ~David Ogilvy

Ogilvy wrote that 15 years before I was born, yet sales and marketing teams continue to ignore this sage advice.

Fifty-Five years before that, Teddy Roosevelt penned, "Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far."

Bring Wes in to speak to your team and learn how to apply two centuries of persuasion and marketing wisdom to the modern world of sales, and leave the sticks in the woods.

Contact Us    Experience a Keynote

Wes has spoken to groups exceeding 1,200 attendees and can help you “pack the house” and create a buzz by hitting the mark.

wes schaeffer keynote speaker workshop-380692-1.5
Keynote Speaker in Tampa
Wes Schaeffer Keynote Speaker SEMPL Marketing Conference 6-2
SEMPL Marketing Conference Keynote 2018
TEDx Temecula Keynote Speaker Wes Schaeffer
TEDx Temecula Keynote Speaker 2013
Keynote Speaker Wes Schaeffer at the EDC
Keynote Speaker at the EDC
When you need a Speaker to set the right tone for your sales meeting...
When you need a Motivational Speaker to light up the room...
When you need an Inspirational Speaker to move your non-profit meeting...

Think Wes Schaeffer - The Sales Whisperer®

What others have to say...

Kingsley Offor was moved
Scottsdale Entrepreneur Willow Liebert provides a testimonial for inbound marketing expert, Wes Schaeffer, The Sales Whisperer®.
Willow Liebert + 50 min of testimonials
Erin Chase 5 Dollar Dinner Testimonial
Erin Chase loved how Wes kept everyone's attention
SEMPL Conference Organizer Valerija Prevolsek

Here you’ll find links to articles you can reprint, re-tweet and repeat, quotes for press releases and Wes' Pledge of Allegiance to Event Planners. Additionally, we will send you customized content for marketing your event whether it’s via email, postcards, fax blasts or newsletters and brochures.

Just select any of the links below to learn more.


Are you ready to take your event to the next level?

Contact us so we can discuss the details.