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About Wes Schaeffer, The Copywriter

Words mean things.

Just ask the Google:

  • Who scans content daily to bring interesting content to Humans.
  • Humans then read what interests them and some become Prospects.
  • Prospects then read more before they become Clients.

There are 5 stages to building a thriving business that I call The A.B.C.D.E. Sales & Marketing System™:

  • Attract
  • Bond
  • Convert
  • Deliver
  • Endear

If you need help with any of those 5 stages you'll find plenty of insight and advice among the...

I also throw some ponderings out on LinkedInFacebook, and Twitter.

Want to read MORE?

First, might I recommend some counseling for your issues with trust…then check out a nice video testimonial below from a “biggee:” Infusionsoft, the king of email marketing. (If I gave you more it would be bragging.)

How much do I charge?

Let’s just say I’m reassuringly expensive.

Contact me now for assistance in creating your own compelling sales and marketing copy.

If I think I can help you there will be a small retainer for us to do an initial deep dive to accurately ascertain where you stand today, where you want to go, what you want to achieve, and how quickly you want/need to get there.

Part of that includes you completing a detailed questionnaire.

We’ll speak again to review the questionnaire.

I’ll then provide you with a written Statement of Work and a price.

You then decide if we work together further.

The whole process will take less than a week if you are motivated to grow together.

Thank you for visiting my site, this page, and reading this far.

I look forward to you contacting me.

Wishing you the gift of your dreams and as much success as you have the guts to grab.

Contact Wes About Copywriting Fer Ya!

Following is a little prose I penned some years ago that got some attention. I hope you enjoy...

Assiduously speaking, writing, and consulting on all things sales, marketing, business, & life. Father of 7. Grandfather of 2. Husband of 27+ years. Podcaster. Blogger. Juggler. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu brown belt.

Wes Schaeffer was raised by effervescent nomadic Christian bluestockings well-versed in the Socratic Method and Plautine comedy and was fed buffalo brisket, crawfish etouffee, and Pabst Blue Ribbon until he mastered time travel, telekinesis, and photosynthesis.

He was recruited to play football for the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs from '88-92 when R.E.M. lost their religion, and "Achtung Baby" served as a warning for interns aspiring to matriculate at the Oval Office.

Upon graduation, his nomadism continued as his tours of duty included a year of learning to "throw bones" at the Dixie Chicken of Texas A&M, a year savoring the hammer-subtle tastes of kimchi in the ROK, a year learning how to grow, harvest, self-prescribe, and self-medicate—watching others self-medicate, not himself—medicinal marijuana in the People's Socialist Republic of Southern Kalifornia, two trips to the Middle East enthralled with the dedication of the muezzin leading the adman and a culminating two-year gig in his first official training role in the home of Biloxi Blues.

How he graduated from either institution of higher learning with his quick wit, sharp tongue, uncontrollable, vehement, demonstrable abhorrence of ineptitude "exampled" from any level of management (far too often, by the way, in his not-so-humble opinion), and love of all things George Strait, including Bud Light and co-eds in Rocky Mountains jeans, can only be attributed to God having a plan He is still revealing to His child.

Wes has often described his education and world experiences as having made him such a well-rounded homo sapien...that he was pointless.

He has run mobile home lots, sold financial services, been a peddler of flesh (head-hunter, that is), and pushed a ton of high-tech blinkie-blue gizmos out the door for more than one start-up turned stop-down turned abyss.

Wes took the principle of making your misery your ministry and used the atrocious—or complete lack thereof—sales training to build what he wished he had access to in 1997 when he went into full-time commission sales.

A closet marketer, copywriter, and romantic since the age of 12, Wes finally found his groove when he launched The Sales Whisperer® on September 1, 2006. (His rounded pointlessness has discovered a use and a value-add [don't cha just love "corporate-speak"] via his distal phalanges and MacBook Pro.)

His training is down-to-earth, in-your-face, and unassailable.

It is also hands-on, interactive, ongoing, and life-changing. Once described as more engaging than Tony Robbins and Tom Hopkins, the whisperer has been trying to live up to those words ever since.


As engaging and approachable as Wes is in his workshops and conference calls, his HubSpot and private consulting has grown by bounds and leaps because of his love of copywriting and understanding of what makes people do the things they do and the recognition by business owners that the same old drivel their ad salespeople have been pushing just don't cut it in today's marketplace.

Wes is also the father of 7—yes, SEVEN—children all organically reaped and sown (no mergers and acquisitions) with the same woman whom he married first before they began the procreative process.

He credits his family fully for keeping him young, humble, and a lover of chocolate chip cookies for breakfast, which has helped him forestall the public speaker's tendency to regress into a narcissistic, maniacal, rabid seeker of id.

Wes believes in the Hand of God, ice-cold beer in frozen mugs, and hand-rolled cigars on the golf course with his dad and good friends. And the right to bear arms. And Kentucky bourbon, and single malt scotch. And nuclear power.

If you'd like to schedule some time to speak with me to see how we might be able to work together, just click below.