Half the year is gone and complaining about the software bug, recession and new administration has helped me survive being at only 22% of quota with 53% of the year gone.
(Wow! My “vision board” didn’t look anything like this Jan 1st!)
What am I doing wrong?
It’s not me.
It’s management’s fault!
How come my sales manager doesn’t give any help other than “when are you going to sell something?”
Doesn’t he know we’re in a RECESSION for goodness sakes?!
And based on the latest news this economy won’t improve for years!
All I have to do is act dejected, throw out some buzzwords like
I love recessions and bosses that have more sympathy than systems.
Only a mad man would expect me to reach my quota in times like these.
What a stressful sales meeting.
Hello, Extra Hot Grande Vanilla Latte.
On second thought, make that two.
Amy over in Accounting needs to approve my expense report and she loves a hot latte from a lazy salesman.
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