Web Forms
When you produce your Lead Magnet that your ideal prospects just have to have you need to create a way for them to request that free report.
When you're doing it online that means Web Forms.
The dichotomy (for those of you from South Louisiana that means "two thingees against each other") is that the less information you require of your prospects the more that will actually complete your opt in form.
The good news there is you are now generating leads. The bad news is you know little about them. (We'll cross that bridge shortly...stay tuned.)
So how do you create Web Forms? You can learn HTML (and frustrate yourself) or invest in one of a couple of platforms that let you make them with point and click simplicity.
If you're brand new to Web Forms and autoresponders you can get started with a 30 day trail for $1 of one of the simplest yet most capable platforms here. If you have been experimenting with Web Forms and autoresponders and/or have a decent sized list (2,000+ names) I recommend you hop on over to Infusionsoft and try their free 30-day trial.
Whichever one you choose I guarantee you'll be fired up the first time you get a notification that your web form was completed and a new prospect entered your database. It's worth the effort to master list building with Web Forms.
We cover this and a whole lot more in the Make Every Sale program.
Good Selling.
If you need more help growing your sales, check out the following resources scattered around this site and a few others I operate, such as:
Good Selling,