Focus On What Never Changes In Business
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Watch the unedited video of Brad Sugars on The Sales Podcast
- The 5 disciplines for exponential growth
- The people component has never changed
- Build great people to build a great business
"You get the people you deserve."
- "You're an average manager so you get average workers."
- Saw Jim Rohn said read a book a week for the rest of your life
- If he got better at business, business gets easier.
- Teach them what, how, and why
- Granular goal-setting
- What are your five daily goals
- KPIs are fine but why not give all employees five daily goals and see what happens
- Start with the mindset of exponential growth
- Shoot for 150% growth vs. 15%
- Expand your brain
- Stop focusing on small gains
- 5 keys
- Strategy
- Biz Dev
- Execution
- People
- Mission
- Discipline
- "It just seems like magic" that big companies get such big growth
- "It can't be that simple." Yes, it can.
- It really can be easy
- Mission
- Do your customers and staff love you?
- What are you doing to make them not love working for you?
- What is your meaning behind your mission?
- Millennials ask "why do we do this?" Explain that to everyone.
- You're going to have to change but keep selling what you're selling while it's selling.
- If sales are steady your costs are rising so you'll be out of business in 3-5 years
- Ray Kroc asked, "How can we put these on every corner?"
- You need to know you're a marketer/entrepreneur first, not a doer of your thing
- His college buddy was his first hire and he was operations.
- Three cores:
- Sales/marketing
- Operations
- Finance
- Can fix one of the three.
- Break your arm to step back
- Steve Jobs learned leverage from Pixar. Build it once and sell it over and over.
- Too busy is the new stupid
- Hiding behind all your gizmos and platforms doesn't help
- One idea doesn't give you 100% growth
- Do 100 things that give you 1% growth
- You can't out-earn your learning
- Wrote the vision of ActionCoach after about 4-5 years
- Ask yourself how do I get 30x growth? It'll hurt but it's worth the challenge.
- Business teaches us the things we don't know every single day!
Links Mentioned In The Sales Podcast