The Business Fixer Blog by Wes Schaeffer, The Sales Whisperer®

Master Amazon Advertising For Your Business With Brian Johnson

Written by Wes Schaeffer | Apr 29, 2021

The Secrets to Selling on Amazon

Click here to download the episode. 



Entrepreneur Tips you'll learn today on The Sales Podcast...

  • In e-commerce since 2007
  • Lured to Amazon by friends around 2015 and it was a “bit messy”
  • Sold his own products
  • Others heard about him and asked for help
  • PPC advertising was opened up on Amazon
  • There was no training out there
  • He started a Facebook Group and started leading the revolution
  • Now has 21,000 sellers in that group now
  • Created software and training courses
  • Then coaching and DFY

What drains you and what energizes you?”"
  • If you are brick and mortar you need to also be on Amazon
  • He works with large brands who have resellers/distributors and he tells them to be careful
  • It’s a crowded space now in the Amazon PPC space
  • He had to put in the time and become the expert he says he is
  • He’s a “spreadsheet geek”
  • He had the pressure to solve his own problems
  • He saw the gap in the marketplace
  • Was not in sales and marketing at all
  • Has a “dry personality”
  • Had to learn to project confidence to grow and as he grew
  • He had to solve problems in an evolving space
  • He was not always a creative problem solver
  • The more he did it, the easier it got
  • It was a steep learning curve to do more in the sales and marketing areas of his business
  • His partner pulled him out of his shell via hundreds of sales calls and webinars
  • “You’re doing a disservice to the marketplace if you don’t do more to get the word out.”
  • Learned buyer behavior
  • Listen to the shopper
  • Speak to the shopper instead of the search engines
  • Sell the benefits
  • Your integrity defines you in your market
  • If you add value, your customers will sing your praises (See "The A.B.C.D.E.™ Sales & Marketing System")

  • Selling on Amazon
  • Amazon Advertising
  • The three areas to focus
    • Created documented systems and processes (Get it out of your head!)
    • Hire a great team
    • Ask your team “what drains you and what energizes you?”
  • There is no perfect tool. Just find what works.
    • Zoom
    • Loom
    • Hand your videos over to someone to document it
    • Give it to your team to poke holes into
    • It takes time to build consistency
  • If you’re the SME and not transferring it to your team, you’re going to lose
  • Your ego will take the hit eventually
  • You don’t want to be the big fish in a poisoned pond
  • Get comfortable moving into the role of founder
  • Through pain, he was losing clients
  • Hired a CEO consultant
  • It was overwhelming and painful in the beginning
  • Learn sales, learn marketing, learn how to build a team

Links Mentioned In The Sales Podcast