The Business Fixer Blog by Wes Schaeffer, The Sales Whisperer®

Become an Expert Amazon Salesperson With Isaac Kuhlman

Written by Wes Schaeffer | Mar 23, 2021

Click here to download the episode. 

  • How to grow and sell on Amazon
  • Ad strategies
  • Promotional email campaigns
  • Use your Amazon store as your own website
  • Create your own sales funnels on Amazon 

  • Amazon is mainly for physical products or digital copies of items like books but they do have referral programs for selling services
  • Function vs. fashion focus
  • Test your audience's interest with an Amazon offer
  • I could start a health & wellness line since I'm an active guy
  • Three stages
    • Before
    • During
    • After
  • Follow your passion to launch your Amazon store
Make money while you sleep, or work until you die."
  • Private labeling is a great way to grow
  • Get your messaging and marketing right
  • Optimize your listings according to the rules of Amazon

Related Posts:

  • Amazon helps you know what your customers want
  • Source your products affordably
  • Get visible on page one via research—demand, competition—so you know what it will take to launch profitably
  • May need a 3PL (third party logistics company) at first
  • Nothing is truly "passive income," but it can make you money around the clock
  • This takes less capital than starting a traditional business, but it does take time and money
  • Search for private label suppliers for supplements
  • Probably sell what's already selling, but have a unique twist/improvement
  • Amazon will hold onto your funds at first to confirm you're legitimate
  • You can outsell Amazon on their own products because who wants "Amazon Basics"?
  • People trust the better branding you can create
  • You can compete with the big guys with better marketing and branding
  • Hire overseas sourcing agents
  • Cut out the middle man
  • Figure out your exit strategy

Links Mentioned In The Sales Podcast

  • Visit Isaac's website to master your Amazon sales at Go Team Real