The Business Fixer Blog by Wes Schaeffer, The Sales Whisperer®

Nail The Sales Conversation To Accelerate Sales Enablement, John Reid

Written by Wes Schaeffer | Jan 23, 2019

Don't bring donuts, bring insight

Click here to download the episode.



Sales Enablement Tips you'll learn today on The Sales Podcast...

  • Sales tips have not evolved since 1983
  • Most sales "stuff" is driven from a model 
  • We become zealots of "the model" because "the model has to be the answer"
  • Sales enablement today is not about the model
  • Belief systems drive sales behaviors
  • The world does not need another sales model but models are good
  • Skill vs Will
  • Most sales professionals believe they are good at relationship building
  • Most sales professionals are wrong
See "Sales Enablement 101 (That Means No B.S.)"
  • The Mentalizer's Paradox
  • Salespeople are not trained properly
  • Salespeople are unaware
    • How many won deals because your customer liked you?
    • How many lost deals because your customer didn't like you?
  • You use weak words
  • You're afraid of being told no
  • You're afraid of the answer
  • You're afraid of re-building the pipeline
  • You're afraid of not being liked
  • We're emotional beings who think
    • Needing purpose
  • Don't bring donuts, bring insight
  • Manage, don't coach
    • Coaching is seen as negative

  • The learning objective is not the answer. The improved behavior is the answer.
  • Be learner-focused. They should do most of the talking. It's all about them.
  • There's too much emphasis on "liking" vs. trusting and respecting
  • Desire with no discipline is worthless
  • Insight + Humility takes Rigor
  • Most people want a thinking partner, not the answer
  • Give them an idea
  • Challenger model is hubris
  • Priming
  • You still must master the art of controlling the conversation
  • Questions are always the answer
  • When you talk you create objections!
  • Get comfortable with being vulnerable
    • "N.B.O. (New Business Opportunities)" Ask if you're confused
  • Be brief. Be good. Be gone.
  • Once you get high, stay high.
  • Don't ask permission. "Hey, I'm going to be meeting with your boss. Anything you'd like me to bring up with your boss?"
  • Expand your curiosity.
  • Out-understand your competitors. Only 11% of customers believe salespeople understand their needs.

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Links Mentioned In The Sales Podcast