The Business Fixer Blog by Wes Schaeffer, The Sales Whisperer®

See If You Have What It Takes To Be An Entrepreneur With Kevin Siskar

Written by Wes Schaeffer | May 22, 2018

If you think you have what it takes to be an  entrepreneur, the Founder Institute is for you

Stream below or right-click here to download the episode. 


Entrepreneurial Tips you'll learn in The Sales Podcast...

  • Helped found 110 companies
  • Founder Institute—early-stage accelerator
  • 14-week accelerator program
    • Bring in mentors, CEOs, etc
    • Curriculum
    • Working groups to simulate a Board of Directors
  • Why do people fail?
The company only dies when the founder quits."
  • Everything you think you know when you start is wrong...but don't stop
  • The best founders have a mindset that they are open to new things
  • Has a predictive psych test with five key factors
    • High fluid intelligence. Not the same as IQ. How fast can you solve problems?
    • High openness.
    • Agreeableness (@60%)
    • Professional experience.
    • Narcissism and entitlement are bad.
    • Deceit and lying
    • Excuse-making
    • Predatory aggressiveness.
  • They take a 4% equity stake and put it in a bonus pool shared with all of the founders in the cohort and the mentors who volunteered their time, the local director teams, and the company
  • Run boot camp style. 
    • The last one started with 30, and 14 graduated.
    • All meet in person
    • Mentors rate founders, and founders rate mentors
  • Start with a vision
    • Without a strong vision and passion, your business will die at the 2-3 year point
  • Iterate on one thing
  • Udemy is one of their grads
  • "Special assignments" are given by the mentors to founders who are falling behind
    • Some quit
    • Some crush it
  • "Tribe of Mentors: Short Life Advice From The Best In The World" you don't get paid well until you go deep on something
  • Do the self-work. Figure yourself out. Know your "why."

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