The Business Fixer Blog by Wes Schaeffer, The Sales Whisperer®

Mark Schaefer: How to be seen, heard, and found

Written by Wes Schaeffer | Mar 26, 2021

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Branding Tips you'll learn on this episode of The Sales Podcast

  • How to be seen, heard, and found
  • Get started and build an advantage that is insurmountable
  • Malcolm Gladwell “Outliers: The Story of Success
  • At Gladwell’s core is the research
  • Tell a good story and back it up with research
  • Success and failures are not always deserved

  • Franz Johansson, the impact of random events
  • Mark wanted to expense an AOL account at his Fortune 100 company and he was the first one with an email account
  • He got an idea and he pursued it at the right time
  • You have to go through the open doors with great power Making great decisions still matters.
  • Have the guts to make a decision
Have the guts to make a decision."
  • It’s nerve-wracking to right a book
  • It’s stressful to write a book
  • Then you have to put it out there

Related Posts:

  • How Mark writes a book
    • “Marketing Rebellion”
    • People kept saying they were falling behind
    • He had a theory that technology was evolving so fast that people were falling behind
    • He thought it was a technology issue and was 1/3rd through before he realized he was wrong
    • He had a moment…”I don’t know if I even know what marketing is anymore.”
    • Maps out the chapters, puts each one in Evernote, and observes the world for a year or so
    • Saves articles, conducts interviews, etc.
    • Writes over the holidays because he can’t stop and start
    • Weave the research into a story
    • Takes 6-8 weeks to write
    • Sends out to beta-readers
  • Go ahead and self-publish now
  • He has gone through publishers and has also self-published
  • They won’t promote you
  • They’ll take most of your money
  • They want you to sell 5,000 copies
  • They own the content forever, you don’t
  • Life’s hard
  • “Content Shock” blog post went viral
  • The most powerful websites move to the top, not the most powerful content
  • When great isn’t enough anymore, what do you do?
  • Create momentum
  • There are no overnight successes
  • The Black Keys toured for seven years before they became “known”
  • “The Porcellian Club” or “the Port” or “the P.C.” secret society in Harvard that accepted the Winklevoss twins
  • Most of us have to fight and scrape to go forward
  • It follows a pattern. It’s not all random.
  • Advantage, seam, awareness…
  • Mark didn’t dream of what he is doing now
  • He didn’t write his first book until he was nearly 50
  • His passion was baseball but he loves what he does now
  • He fell into his life’s work in a way
  • Goals are important and you can apply this model of momentum to goals
  • KDP and ACX owned by Amazon
  • IngramSpark does the hardcover 


Links Mentioned In The Sales Podcast