The Business Fixer Blog by Wes Schaeffer, The Sales Whisperer®

Mark Victor Hansen on Goal Setting: 'Ask To Reach Your Destiny'

Written by Wes Schaeffer | Sep 23, 2020

Effective goal setting in sales means solving problems for others

Click here to download the episode. 


Sales Tips you'll learn today on The Sales Podcast...

  • Effective goal setting helps you get your ask in gear!
  • Been to 80 countries
  • The difference between success and failure is asking
  • Three ways
    • Ask yourself
    • Ask others
    • Ask God
  • 7 Roadblocks to Asking
  • The results are worth it
  • Become a Master Asker
  • Kids are natural asker. They are inquisitive.

  • He was a Boy Scout and sold greeting cards on consignment
  • His mother was a great salesman and story-teller
  • "I'm earning my bicycle. Would you like to invest in one box or two?"
  • Save Yourself Time Energy and Money: SYSTEM
  • Licensing
  • He's a big reader
An entrepreneur is a problem-solver for a profit."
  • He's a systems guy
  • Buckminster Fuller
  • Natural power series
  • How he sold more books than anyone alive
  • He adds value every time
  • Support our LEO and military
  • $157 million in dog food sales
  • Purina and Jay Leno
  • Everybody should have a lot to do
  • Be busy
  • Wrote 309 books
  • Every book should help sell every other book
  • Have high, lofty, and inspiring goals
  • Roger Banister and the 4-minute mile
  • Goals are set to be broken
  • You need a net worth of a minimum of $10 million to be in the game
  • The food chain example: B2B isn't working like it was so he's going B2C

  • Joe and Ivy Keoli
  • $100k salesperson isn't enough
    • 40% taxes
    • Car payment
    • Etc.
    • "Can I make $1 million in this company?"
  • Entrepreneur/Chiropractor bringing home $250k
    • He interviewed the top chiropractors in the country
    • Dr. Dennis Nicatow in Denver was doing over $1 million
    • He just carried a rubber band
    • Schedule a mobile blood bank in front of your shop and give a free adjustment
  • He and Jack were out $180k each when they wrote "Chicken Soup For The Soul" and had to wait 18 months
  • Was broke twice in his life, once over $2 million
  • His agent fired him
  • He and Jack were rejected 144 times
  • Go give blood, especially if you beat COVID=19
  • An entrepreneur is a problem-solver for a profit
  • Overcome your sense of self-worth
  • Overcome your sense of fear
  • Overcome your sense of disconnection
  • We're worthy of great success
  • "Excusology"
  • Afraid to ask
  • You have 100% permission to ask
  • Serve greatly by selling greatly
  • You have to ask a lot of people to get started like the parable of the seed falling on good and bad ground
  • You gotta take massive action to have massive success
  • Know when you are most productive
  • Pick the days to clean up all the messes and finish the garbage work
  • What are your free days? You need at least one day of no working. (Sunday usually)
  • Green days are your money-making days.
  • Batch your efforts, i.e. put your key prospects on a Zoom 
  • Yellow days for mess
  • Purple is God's highest color
  • Feedback is the breakfast of champions
  • Trust your gut...and feedback
  • Do you need a publisher or can you self-publish?
  • Once you sell 40,000 copies then go to a publisher to get a great payday
  • How to negotiate from a position of strength
  • How to beat COVID-19
  • Writing the book is only 10% of the effort
  • He writes 100-year goals
  • He believes in BHAGs
  • Wind-charging is his design
  • 1974 he lost it all in the oil embargo and slept on a friend's couch
  • Yin-Yang: Crisis = Opportunity
  • Take off the blinders
  • "Where are my acres of diamonds?"
  • Go deep
  • "God, what's your destiny for me?" Ask 400 times before you go to sleep.
  • Jack called him at 2:38 am in 1989 "Chicken soup...for the soul"
  • The thought command
  • Reorient your mind and give yourself mind commands
  • Jim Collins told him in 1974 how to hit his sales goals
  • Put your goals in writing
  • 3x5 card...sign it...look at it 4x/day
  • The subconscious never sleeps
  • He was a happy salesman and his clients were happy as a result
  • He and Crystal researched for their book, "The Ultimate Gift", Jim Stovall makes books he can't read and movies he can't watch
  • Shut off the negative news and information
  • Elon Musk steps up and starts making ventilators for 3M and made cars at the same time
  • Out-think, out-serve, out-work
  • You are your own competition
  • Be a hero

Links Mentioned In The Sales Podcast