The Business Fixer Blog by Wes Schaeffer, The Sales Whisperer®

Think & Act Like an Executive To Reach Them, Ben Rudolph of Microsoft

Written by Wes Schaeffer | Oct 26, 2022

Ben Rudolph 



Professional Sales Tips you'll learn today on The Sales Podcast...

  • Global Senior Director & Chief Creative Officer | Microsoft Industry
  • Started in Krav Mega as an instructor in 2002
  • Krav Maga is heavy on the martial and light on the art
    • Wrestling, boxing, and gymnastics in the same year
    • Become proficient in combat quickly
    • It's great in the set pieces, i.e., being choked, bear hug, etc.
    • It's a great system, but not the only system
  • Japanese Jiu-Jitsu black belt
    • More standup, less on the ground
    • Locks, chokes, and throws
  • Powerlifter
  • Father of 8 Global

Related episodes and posts

  • Train 25 years for five seconds of combat
  • You need a killer attitude
  • If you escape a fight win
  • He serves as the "how" between Microsoft's "why"
  • Everyone sees that the economy and world are weird right now
  • Prospects are still willing to engage and invest in the future
  • Prospects are looking to make resilient investments
  • Customers are investing in hybrid work
  • Prospects are trying to reach him all the time
  • Come to me authentically that's personalized and relevant and how you can help
  • Don't bribe your way in!!
  • LinkedIn is better than email to reach him, personally
  • He can do reconnaissance of you on LinkedIn
  • He takes sales calls so he can learn things and meet interesting people


  • He has an executive assistant but he reviews a lot of the pitches and makes time monthly to meet with vendors
  • He values open space on his calendar so he can think
  • He's hyper-granular on his calendar
  • 15-minute increments
  • Tries to leave 1/3rd of calendar open so he can think, create, and be available
  • Does 2-hour blocks of office hours
    • 20-min increments for his team
    • Done twice a week
  • Generally starts early in the day so he can hit the gym and have family time
  • He didn't believe in hybrid work, "creative work happens in person."
  • Now he's a believer in hybrid work
  • Etiquette and tools are needed to run a hybrid work environment
  • As a hiring manager he loves the hybrid work world because he can get better talent by not forcing them to relocate
  • Gets together locally twice a week but it's not mandatory
  • Gets remote people together once per quarter, off-site for three days
  • Sales is about creating meaningful relationships



Sales Growth Tools Mentioned In The Sales Podcast

  • Take The CRM Quiz: get a free consultation with me
  • Donate: Just because you like the show, the no-bullshit approach, and don't want to buy a book, software, or The Make Every Sale Program.
  • The Sales Agenda: take control of every sales opportunity like a pro.
  • Leadferno: Turn lurkers into leads
  • Founders Card: Get $20,000 in free processing from Stripe, save 15% on Bose, save on hotels, travel, car rentals, you name it.
  • Send Drunk Emails: ...that get opened and get you paid!
  • Phone Burner: work the phone like a machine so you can be a human when you connect.
  • Sendspark: Send video emails that make an impact so you can stand out from the noise. Use promo code SALESWHISPERER to get 33% off for 3 months


  • Guest Twitter:
  • Guest LinkedIn:


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