The Business Fixer Blog by Wes Schaeffer, The Sales Whisperer®

Brad Sugars: Revolutionize Your Thinking

Written by Wes Schaeffer | Dec 05, 2021

Revolutionize Your Thinking



Entrepreneurial Tips you'll learn today on The Sales Podcast...

  • Downscale when you need to
  • Automate when you can
  • "The Great Resignation" is happening
  • People want to work for themselves and from home
  • Why we're in a boom economy
  • Bitcoin boom
  • Record savings since the government gave away so much money

The shopper is going to go with what's easy."

Listen to Brad Sugars's first appearance on The Sales Podcast #381


  • Kids don't know how to think
  • Gen Xers don't fix things. We threw them away.
  • "To make money" is not a good enough mission statement today
  • What's your mission? It's about "love."
  • Build your people and they build your business
  • Too many entrepreneurs are just technicians who don't know how to manage and lead
  • To own a business it must work without you
  • Corporations have boards that demand growth
  • Do you go into businesses as an investor or an operator?
  • To get stock tips pay attention to what your kids are doing
  • When you're born, you don't get a manual, you get a mother
  • Only invest in things when you're an expert in it
  • Spend two weeks diving in deep to understand something
  • Listen to the questions being asked to determine a top in a market, i.e., "Are things too high?"
  • When your Uber driver tells you about their seven properties you know it's at a peak
  • Change your thinking, change your life

Sales Growth Tools Mentioned In The Sales Podcast