The Business Fixer Blog by Wes Schaeffer, The Sales Whisperer®

Dan Kuschell | Move Beyond The Transaction To Grow Sales

Written by Wes Schaeffer | Dec 28, 2018

Size (of your list) doesn't matter  

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Sales Tips you'll learn today on The Sales Podcast...

  • Dan Kuschell is the Founder, Chairman, and CEO of Breakthrough3X. He's started 11+ companies, bought and sold multiple companies, coached over 5,329 business owners from 180 niche industries in 9 countries, and can help you implement unique sales and marketing systems to grow an d scale your business with less stress or time.
  • Helped Joe Polish triple his business both top and bottom line
  • The quality of your list matters
  • Build the client relationship
  • Move beyond the transaction
  • B.O.T.E.
    • Breakthrough
    • Outcome
    • Tranformation
    • Experience 
  • No one-size fits all
  • Transform your business like the founders of LeadQuizzes
  • Move from 1-to-1 into 1-to-many
  • You're in the re-order business
  • Cellphone stick rate (become a utility that people have to keep)
  • He was exposed to direct response marketing in the late '80s and loved the ability to "can and clone" himself with a direct mail offer
  • Marketing is the ultimate lever
  • Make an irresistible offer
  • You gotta package it right
  • A $1 bill and a $100 bill are the same except for the message on the paper
  • Traditional marketing is dead
  • Today it's story telling
  • Gary Halbert on sales vs marketing
  •  The 5 Ps
    • Plan (most fail here)
      • Research. Investigate.
      • Go way beyond the avatar
      • 75-question audit
    • Positioning
    • Packaging
    • Promoting
    • Profits + Progress
  • "Tested Advertising Methods"
  • You need marketing stamina
  • You need the strategy and science
  • "If you can't afford it you can't afford not to."
  • Go buy time with an expert (how to find that expert)
  • If you view yourself as a minimum investment you'll get minimum return
  • Money can buy speed
  • You need a good client-selection and partner-selection process
    • Appreciate
    • Enhance
    • Utilize
    • Refer
    • Financial (last)
  • Get better at saying no

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