The Business Fixer Blog by Wes Schaeffer, The Sales Whisperer®

Build Your Elite Sales Organization With Entrepreneur Don Wenner

Written by Wes Schaeffer | Jul 01, 2021

Solve problems and reverse risks to grow your sales



Sales-Making Tips you'll learn today on The Sales Podcast...

  • Successful salesman in real estate
  • Grew up lower-middle-class
  • Was selling donuts to classmates
  • Studied to be a financial advisor
  • Waited tables
  • Was recruited into the ADT sales business
  • Made $5,280 for his first two weeks
  • Made a sale for every 51 doors he knocked on

If I get in front of people, good things will happen.”
  • Learned about USPs—Unique Selling Propositions—from Dan Kennedy
  • Got his license at the peak of the real estate market in 2006
  • Risk reversal
  • Became a home flipper
  • He met with motivated home sellers
  • Offered solutions
  • He was a problem-solver
  • Flipped as the market went down
  • Acquired when the market bottomed to build his portfolio
  • He focused on the lower end of the market
  • You have to know your market
  • He focused on selling and built a team to support him in the other things
  • He hired his first assistant right away and quickly had three full-time assistants within three months of getting into real estate
  • Soon he couldn't handle all the leads
  • He hired salespeople while he did the inside lead generation
  • Was always reading and learning about sales and leadership
  • About 10 years ago he was about a 25-person company
  • Read "Traction: Get a Grip On Your Business "

  • Applied EOS and grew beyond that
  • Built the tools he needed to grow
  • Has refined it into the Elite Execution System
  • Didn't make a real estate sale for five months
  • Sold ADT on the side
  • If I get in front of people, good things will happen.
  • Stop making excuses
  • Had confidence he could bring value
  • Developed a team
  • He had a strong value proposition
  • He looked the part and had the literature to back up his persona
  • Be a good listener
  • Four quadrants of business success
    • Strategy
    • People
    • Acceleration...
  • Inc 5000 nine years in a row
  • Discipline must run through your organization

  • He's created 12 business lines
  • Nothing is theoretical

Links Mentioned In The Sales Podcast