The Business Fixer Blog by Wes Schaeffer, The Sales Whisperer®

How To Build Wealth With Professional Money Manager Gil Baumgarten

Written by Wes Schaeffer | Jul 04, 2021

How to handle risk to build your fortune



Wealth-Building Tips you'll learn today on The Sales Podcast...

  • Got out of the brokerage business in 2010
  • The Great Recession wiped out 97% of the value of his stock options
  • Relief from the mental anguish
  • They want to remain wealthy
  • Focused on after-tax return
  • The little guy stacks the deck against themselves

Wealth is the sum total of the money you don't consume.”
  • Don't get in a hurry
  • Don't chase shiny objects
  • The worst thing is to win on a risky bet and parlay it only to lose
  • He asked the top 100 brokers 25 key questions
  • Financial trauma as a teenager
  • "If it is to be it's up to me."
  • Grit. Resolve. Bounce back.
  • Wealth is the sum total of the money you don't consume.
  • You don't want to be wealthy, you want to be perceived as wealthy.
  • Stay in your lane for actionable insights
  • We're looking for short-term ego strokes
  • Invest in yourself
  • Tactical investing is tough
  • "Suitability" does not mean "best"
  • You must be proactive. Lean into risk in the face of risk.
  • Minimum prices occur at the time of maximum uncertainty.
  • Get a good CPA

Links Mentioned In The Sales Podcast