How To Build Wealth With Professional Money Manager Gil Baumgarten Jul 04, 2021 Wes Schaeffer Share this blog post on Twitter Share this blog post on Facebook Share this blog post on LinkedIn How to handle risk to build your fortune [ LISTEN NOW ON ITUNES ] Wealth-Building Tips you'll learn today on The Sales Podcast... Got out of the brokerage business in 2010 The Great Recession wiped out 97% of the value of his stock options Relief from the mental anguish They want to remain wealthy Focused on after-tax return The little guy stacks the deck against themselves Wealth is the sum total of the money you don't consume.” Don't get in a hurry Don't chase shiny objects The worst thing is to win on a risky bet and parlay it only to lose He asked the top 100 brokers 25 key questions Financial trauma as a teenager "If it is to be it's up to me." Grit. Resolve. Bounce back. Wealth is the sum total of the money you don't consume. You don't want to be wealthy, you want to be perceived as wealthy. Stay in your lane for actionable insights We're looking for short-term ego strokes Invest in yourself Tactical investing is tough "Suitability" does not mean "best" You must be proactive. Lean into risk in the face of risk. Minimum prices occur at the time of maximum uncertainty. Get a good CPA Links Mentioned In The Sales Podcast Order "FOOLISH: How Investors Get Worked Up and Worked Over by the System" Visit Segment Wealth Management
Do Paid Traffic Right With AdSkills Master, John Belcher Learn how to find where your customers are and give them what they want with effective paid traffic Click here to download the episode. Read More
Great Sales Managers Focus on Results Instead of Hours, Rene Zamora The 5 Pillars to Magical Sales Management Click here to download the episode. Read More