A year has passed since I was last in Phoenix hanging out with the positive folks at Infusionsoft at their Infusioncon (now the Infusionsoft ICON Event). I remember attending the opening night mixer and telling one of the Infusionsoft staff that I would have paid just to attend the mixer. Little did I know that things were just getting started.
The following 48 hours were filled with some great speakers, some average speakers, some pushy, salesy speakers but a ton of support from the Infusionsoft staff, from the vendors and the attendees.
To this day I still speak regularly with:
This year I'm taking my wife of nearly 15 years to Infusioncon. It's the first time we've ever left all of our kids (all 6 of them) for any type of overnight trip and we'll be gone 3 nights, arriving home late on the 4th night!
While I'm excited to have her help me at the event and have her meet all the cool people at Infusionsoft we're just hoping the little one, who is 2.5, has fun with the grandparents. She usually does so we should be good to go.
Infusioncon is an important event not only for myself but for all entrepreneurs looking for the best way to grow their businesses. When I say that I'm not saying Infusionsoft is the best and only way to grow your business but when you combine the power of the system with the support they give you and the people you can meet and the relationships you can forge at this event it really is hard to beat.
As entrepreneurs and sole proprietors and small business owners and hungry sales professionals we oftentimes live in world that others do not understand. We're competitive, we're dreamers, we're frustrated, we're optimistic and we're downright confused on a regular basis as to why there are not more people like us in the world.
Attending Infusioncon lets us know that WE'RE NOT ALONE! In fact, we're the reason our companies and our communities and our nation are so great because we are the DOERS, the MOVERS AND SHAKERS, the NOT-SATISFIED-WITH-THE-STATUS-QUO. We make things happen, even if we fail from time to time.
That's why it's so important to attend events like Infusionscon 2010 because you get rejuvenated. You get new ideas. You meet other like-minded individuals making names for themselves. And it's a beautiful thing.
So get on over to Scottsdale this week. The Infusionsoft staff have told us there will be more instruction and less pushy, cheesy sales dudes hawking their cr*p from the stage and there will be more vendors with more cool offers to help you grow your business FAST (like doubling your sales) so come on down and tell 'em Wes sent ya!
If you can't make it but you'd like to scoop up some of my products and services at a HUGE discount stay tuned for a special offer I'll announce Wednesday night that will be good until midnight Saturday.
Remember, Life is too short for follow up calls.
If you need more help growing your sales, check out the following resources scattered around this site and a few others I operate, such as:
Good Selling,