The Business Fixer Blog by Wes Schaeffer, The Sales Whisperer®

Nimble CRM Is on The CRM Sushi Podcast #2

Written by Wes Schaeffer | Mar 15, 2017

"Social CRM Simplified. Turn Communities Into Customers."

Stream below or right-click here to download the episode. 



What You'll Learn In This Episode of The CRM Sushi Podcast...

  • Nimble is the Social CRM for businesses of all sizes
  • There is no "best CRM"
  • Relationships are critical to your business success
  • Relationships are built by creating trust and intimacy
  • Sales is service
  • Follow up and follow-through
  • Why people buy CRMs
    • Business owners want to keep their fingers on the pulse and their hands around the necks of their salespeople
    • Typical CRMs are at odds with the typical salesperson
    • Traditional CRMs are reporting platforms. "Customer Reporting Management." They are all about command and control and it wastes the time of the salesperson.

  • The whole point of getting a lead is so you can nurture that person until they are ready to speak with a salesperson who can make the sale.
  • MailChimp to Marketo spread
  • Most CRMs only contain what your salesreps put into them
  • Most salesreps work for their CRM instead of the other way around
  • Send one-to-one emails and collect the open, click, reply, non-reply
  • Marketing automation, CRM, Sales Intelligence, Email Tracking, Sales Enablement
  • Most CRMs are
    • Too costly
    • Too complex
    • Too many tools
    • Silos of information
    • Too much focus on sales
    • Service is the new sales
    • Experience drives success

  • Unified customer lifecycle platform that blends social, sales, and marketing
  • Most people need just enough marketing automation to start the conversation
  • #1 Rated in Value, ROI, Satisfaction and Ease of Use as well as Sales Intelligence
  • > 100,000 subscribers in 6 years
  • $25 gives you
    • Sales intelligence
    • CRM
    • Email tracking and templating
  • The #1 reason for CRM failure
  • We don't live just in our inbox anymore
  • CRMs should build themselves
  • Unify email, contact, and calendar
    • Outlook and Google Apps don't do a good job with that
    • Bring all three into one view to save time and energy
    • Use that information anywhere you are browsing
  • Build live profiles
  • Synchronize Tasks between CRM and Office 365 or Google Apps for Business
  • Relationships are "messy" and can cross channels
  • You need a CRM to work across all of your social media platforms to work with you and work for you
  • Put your contacts in the cloud, even if you're a solo salesperson
  • How does Salesforce buying Relate.IQ compare to Nimble CRM?
  • Who's the ideal customer for Nimble?
  • 40 million Outlook users now get Nimble pre-loaded on Outlook mobile to get instant insight on prospects and customers
  • Empower your customer-facing team members
  • Are they an ESP (Email Service Provider)?
  • How do they handle mobile?
  • How do they integrate with Gmail?
  • Do they have a Chrome extension? A Safari extension?

Catch Up on The Previous Episode of The CRM Sushi Podcast

Insightly CRM kicks things off with the CRM Sushi podcast. Right-click here to download the episode or follow this link to see the video demo.


Links Mentioned In The CRM Sushi Podcast