The Business Fixer Blog by Wes Schaeffer, The Sales Whisperer®

Get Into 'The Revenue Zone' With Tom Burton

Written by Wes Schaeffer | May 05, 2022

The Ultimate Playbook For The Next Generation of B2B Sales, Marketing, and Predictable Revenue Growth



Professional Sales Tips you'll learn today on The Sales Podcast...

  • B2B buyers want to be in control of and drive their research and overall buying process
  • Professional salespeople must transform prospects and customers into their own sales team and brand ambassadors.
  • Here are the 3 new rules of sales and marketing
  • Here's a fresh approach to the B2B sales funnel

Related episodes and posts

  • Co-founder of a CRM/marketing automation company
  • His clients say they need something new
  • Has been in sales & marketing for over 30 years
  • Was at a board meeting presenting his pipeline and projections
  • He was challenged "How confident are you in these projections?"
  • How good are you at forecasting and predicting?
  • He was doing more guessing than the should have been
  • Most of the sale happens when the salesperson leaves the room


  • Prospects want to feel like they're in control of the buying prospect
How good are you at forecasting and predicting?"
  • Get the prospect into the revenue zone
  • Is there demand for what you offer?
  • Do they trust you?
  • How do you lay out the yellow brick road?
  • Not focused too much on the prospecting side of things in this book




  • It's easier to get a meeting, but harder to get a meaningful meeting
A confused mind says 'no.'"
  • Don't stalk your prospects...educate and support them
  • Prospects get confused and overwhelmed with all the data
  • Help your prospects avoid the rabbit holes
  • Help them avoid being overwhelmed
  • A confused mind says "no"
Is there a pending event?"
  • Usually a buying team at larger companies
  • Take your current sales cycle and reverse engineer it
  • Where are the bottlenecks?
  • Where are the trends?
  • This is great for marketing leaders who are working more closely with sales
  • This is great for rev ops personnel and sales leaders, not necessarily the quota-carrying salespeople
  • Sales professionals should continue qualifying/disqualifying
  • Is there a problem?
  • Is there a pending event?

Sales Growth Tools Mentioned In The Sales Podcast