"Mediocrity in your team can drive away top performers."
- To find great salespeople is hard if you don't learn how to think differently.
- He was great at interviewing and controlling the interview when he was trying to get hired in sales.
- Salespeople are different animals. We're a little crazy.
- Hiring managers struggle with hiring because there is no "sales manager school."
- Sales managers are usually hired from within, and the skillsets that make salespeople great actually hurt sales managers.
- A lot of companies only hire salespeople when there's a vacancy, so they are scared, frantic, and going fast when they need to slow down.
- He is consistently sharing a message.
- Sales training is a waste of money if you don't have a structure in place.
- His clients are frustrated when they find him.
- They've tried "cloning" and recruiters and more...
What do you want this person to be good at? What does it mean to be 'good at sales'?”
- Get clear about who you want.
- Write ads and job descriptions that attract and repel.
- Stop selling the company and the role until you know you have a candidate.
- Industry experience is over-rated.
- "I want someone who knows how to sell to my buyer."
- You can teach salespeople about your product.
- Companies hold onto bad salespeople longer than they should.
- You need to always be recruiting.
- He works in the SMB space and they hold onto bad salespeople too long.
- 2:1 interviews are best.
- Keep the candidates on their heels to see how they handle pressure.
- "'Decent?' What does 'decent' mean?"
- Do you have the desire to get rid of the dead weight you've been carrying?
- "Would you hire them again?"
- And comp plans are crazy.
- Walter Crosby is a proud alum of the University of Michigan and holds an advanced degree from the school of hard-won wisdom.
- He spent the majority of his career as a salesperson who was frequently promoted into sales manager positions.
- He sold a variety of products with complex B2B sales cycles, including LED luminaries, commercial signage, financial services, synchronized clock systems, and commercial fire alarm systems.
- He’s sold to K-12 educators, colleges/universities, contractors, and manufacturing and commercial/retail firms.
- Frustrated by the lack of training he received each time he was promoted to sales management roles, Walter sought his own training and mentors to help him grow as a leader.
- After training himself and surrounding himself with strong mentors, he saw a need to share his hard-earned knowledge with others to develop successful sales teams.
- This led to the creation of his own firm, Helix Sales Development. Here, Walter coaches, trains, and supports successful sales teams using evidence-based sales evaluation and assessment tools by the Objective Management Group and sales-enablement technology through Membrain.
- Walter’s rocket fuel comes from coaching committed individuals to excel beyond what they thought was possible.
- Conservatively, his clients see a 37-43% increase in revenue after their engagement.
- Guest Site: https://helixsalesdevelopment.com/
- Guest Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/helixsalesdevelopment/
- Guest LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/walterlcrosby/