Back in December 2011 I wrote this little poem about Infusioncon 2012 and won the "Blogger's In Motion" contest, which was a sweet gig. My hotel was paid for, I got front row seating and premium Wifi access so all was right with the world. (And it was my birthday.)
For Infusioncon 2013 I'm launching a new joint venture with a fellow Infusionsoft Consultant (1), a mastermind program (2), a new print on demand service (3), the 2nd edition of "The Definitive Guide To Infusionsoft" book (4), and a few other goodies we'll be showing at Booth 27 (5, 6 & 7). Please stop by.
To prepare for it we are launching a free, 6-part training program called "The Work-Smart, Play-Hard Infusionsoft Guru Telesummit: 12 Infusionsoft Experts Spill the Beans on 6 Gotta-Be-There-Live Webinars."
Meeting with and networking and brainstorming (and smoking cigars and imbibing) and talking smack with these 12 Infusionsoft experts is a huge factor in my excitement to be attending Infusioncon 2013. The experts are:
I'm also looking forward to seeing the Spring 2013 Release (20), swimming in the lazy river at the fancy hotel pool with my kids (21) and showing off the new, 2-sided, laminated Infusionsoft Cheat Sheet I'll be selling / giving away as a bonus to new clients (22).
Finally, I'm excited about catching up with the Infusionsoft staff from Clate Mask, the CEO, down to the latest new hire (which are quite a few, actually) (23) and meeting prospects I've connected with remotely (24) and clients whom I have either never met or not seen since the last Infusioncon (25).
You need to be there, too.
Where else can you network and learn from motivated, optimistic professional salespeople, sales managers, business owners and entrepreneurs for under $500 for 3 days?!
I have a discount code if you still need a ticket and I might be giving away a ticket later this week...stay tuned.
If you need more help growing your sales, check out the following resources scattered around this site and a few others I operate, such as:
Good Selling,