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How To Do Outbound Prospecting Right, With Brandon Bornancin

Brandon Bornancin Returns



Professional Sales Tips you'll learn today on The Sales Podcast...

  • He wants to help people make more sales
  • He gives a Gold and Platinum album for sales success
  • He was selling for IBM and had the worst boss
  • No training
  • Killed online gambling in 2007 and he was making millions
  • Failed with SMS (lost millions and went bankrupt) 

Related episodes and posts

  • Had a massive quota at IBM
  • He had bigger and bigger quotas piled on his desk
  • He launched Seamless AI to help salespeople get great lists
  • He gives these awards to anyone using his software
  • Hit the gong in the app to document the sales and income you're generating
  • He wants to generate $100 million in ARR
  • He wants one million President's Club Winners
  • Played in Canada before he was 21


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  • Outbound is a lot more productive than inbound marketing
  • More people need to think about it
  • More sales are being extended
  • More people need to talk to more people about buying
  • Everything is setup to beat you down
Outbound prospecting is a lot more productive than inbound marketing."

Brandon Bornancin The Sales Podcast

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Sales Growth Tools Mentioned In The Sales Podcast

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