The Business Fixer Blog by Wes Schaeffer, The Sales Whisperer®

Branding + Sales Funnels Henry Kaminski, Jr

Written by Wes Schaeffer | Apr 09, 2021

Click here to download the episode. 


Branding Tips you'll learn on this episode of The Sales Podcast

  • What is your content strategy?
  • Your funnel is wide at the top
  • You want to qualify your prospects early once they are in your world
  • MOFU is more of "how to?"
    • Teach
    • Edutain them
    • "Oh yeah, I want and need that."
  • BOFU is where the deal gets sealed
    • Behind the scenes
    • Demonstrate your expertise
    • Strong CTA
Prospects don't value free."
  • Disqualify 80% of your TOFU
  • Let them qualify themselves out and in
  • You must know your ideal client and the problem you solve

Related Posts:

  • Know how your prospect likes to research and solve their own problems
  • You must know your client better than they know themselves
  • He doesn't do "free" anymore
  • Prospects don't value free
  • He charges $500 for an initial consultation
  • He's the Brand Doctor
  • Discover and diagnose first
  • Re-engineer those who self-diagnose
  • Get your prospects to see their true problem in a new light
  • Brand Accelerator is a DFY over 90 days
  • 1-on-1 consulting for guiding tips to beat trying issues
  • He does very little paid advertising
  • Google, Apple, Facebook, etc. are changing how you target prospects online
  • Henry does a lot of content creation
  • Be omni-present
  • The funnel is the rails for your business so people know what to do first, second, and third
  • What is branding?
    • It's not a logo, or your color palette, etc. Those are assets
    • Your brand is the feeling people get when they interact with you
  • How do you describe what you do?
  • How'd you get started?
  • What's your higher mission?
  • What makes you different?
  • He bridges the gap between branding and direct response marketing.
  • How do you do that?
  • Why should someone believe that?
  • What makes you credible?
  • How does this impact your credibility?
  • Now look at your competitor profiles
  • How do you fill the gap?
  • Who are their customers and how do you get them to buy from you?
  • What does it look like to work with you?
  • Diagnose, Design, Implement in 90 days
  • Systematic and proprietary
  • Just show up to the six 90-minute Zoom calls
  • Show the line items in his project management platform
  • It's a framework but not a cookie-cutter process

Links Mentioned In The Sales Podcast