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How To Get Infusionsoft Help Fast: Part 1

Get Infusionsoft Help Fast,sales and marketing,Infusionsoft sales,Infusionsoft support,buy Infusionsoft


Infusionsoft Help Shortcut Icons are visible on every page.
Infusionsoft Help Shortcut Icons Are Visible On Every Page

Wherever you go there is your Infusionsoft help!

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On the top right of every page are six icons that will become your best friend.

  1. Home icon (Tools)
    1. Dashboard
    2. Inbox
    3. Tasks
    4. Calendar
    5. Files
      Infusionsoft Tools Home Icon Infusionsoft Tools or "Home" Icon
  2. Recently Viewed
  3. Your Favorites
  4. Hi, You
    1. Edit My Profile
    2. Logout
  5. Help
    1. Old-New Guide
    2. Page Help
    3. Video Library
    4. Submit a Support Case
    5. Marketplace
    6. User Community
    7. Support Chat
  6. Infusionsoft Search (enter the wildcard * then a space and the name or the name then a space then the wildcard *)
    1. Contact
    2. Company
    3. Task/Appt/Note
    4. Order
    5. Subscription
    6. Referral Partner
    7. Opportunity


Infusionsoft Help Menu Your Infusionsoft Help Menu Options


Infusionsoft Search Options from the Infusionsoft Help Icon Infusionsoft Search Options

Like the old saying "Wherever you go, there you are." It's true with the Infusionsoft Help menu that follows you from page to page helping you be more efficient, effective and profitable.

If you need more help growing your sales, check out the following resources scattered around this site and a few others I operate, such as: