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Yaguara on The CRM Sushi Podcast

How modern teams use real-time data to set, measure, and meet goals


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What You'll Learn In This Episode of The CRM Sushi Podcast...

  • Sugarcane rum...
  • No trademark issues
  • Focused on e-commerce companies
  • Jonathan is a coder/developer at heart (Yes, a Geek!)
  • Background in medical coding for EHR (Electronic health records)
  • Started his first company right out of college
  • With his background in decision-support 
  • Like a fitness tracker for your business
  • Growth management
  • OKR—Objectives and Key Results
  • Qualitative goals
    • Be confident
    • Lose weight
    • Feel better
  • Key Results are the children
    • Lose 20 pounds
    • Have 6-pack abs
  • Set the right objectives
  • Measure them
  • They aggregate the tools companies use in traditional performance management
  • Most users aren't highly technical and most tools look at lagging indicators
  • Provides templates so you're measuring the right things
  • Focused on the mid-market
  • From 8 to 200+ companies in the last 7 months while in beta due to word of mouth
  • It's a strategic tool vs. a tactical tool
  • Read-only now

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Links Mentioned In The CRM Sushi Podcast

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