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The Best Tool To Grow Your Sales

Common sales myths:

...we have all of these patents, trademarks and intellectual property."

"...we've spent 10 years researching and developing and testing this product."

"...we've spent millions on R&D on this patented procedure."

"...our gizmo is the easiest to use."

"...our doo-hickey has the most features."

"...we have a great story."

"...we're family-owned and operated."

"...our founder started in a garage."

Common sales pains:

Sales are down."

"Morale is down."

"Turnover is up."

"Competition is up."

"Refunds are up."

"Cancellations are up."

"Margins are down."

"My blood pressure is up."

How to grow your sales:

I know.

"And you want to know why?

"Because everything you do to grow your sales will be harder, more expensive, and take more time until you focus on list building.

"You build your list with an offer that entices.

"It's the new ABCDEs of Selling. Follow that link for more details, but for now they stand for:

  1. Attract: Attract visitors to your site or place of business then attract them to identify themselves by opting-in for your report or birthday club or frequent buyer card.
  2. Bond: Stay top of mind with multi-media, multi-step follow-up nurture sequences.
  3. Convert: Turn your prospects into paying customers.
  4. Deliver: Deliver a WOW experience.
  5. Endear: Endear yourself to them so they brag about you, share their experiences with everyone, and provide referrals and testimonials.
"You must then market your presence / offer / inducement via every viable means including social media, direct mail, blogging, PPC, advertisements, even trade shows and Chambers of Commerce. 

You must then master the art of follow-up.

Follow-up is mastered by tagging/categorizing your prospects and communicating with them in a timely, relevant manner.

It is also mastered by automating this whole process.

Related Article: Use This Hack To Make More Sales With Your iPhone

So until you realize your key job is to build a list and then communicate with that list on a regular basis, you'll continue to stress out and grind your teeth and wring your hands and bang your head as to why your fancy gizmo with all the blinky blue lights isn't selling.

That's why I use HubSpot to help me grow without adding staff.

If you need more help growing your sales, check out the following resources scattered around this site and a few others I operate, such as: