Go a Mile Deep To Find Your Message
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- Direct response marketing is alive and well
- Advertisers were afraid of the internet at first
- But the internet is the ultimate direct response platform
- Spend time building relationships and giving away great content
- The internet made marketers sloppy
- Perry Marshall calls it Maze 2.0
- Entrepreneurs always chase the next shiny object
- Live vs. Recorded
- Online vs. Offline
- How to feel like you're everywhere
- Get in slow but get out fast
- Lists, Offer, Copy/Creative (40/40/20)
- Brian calls it 41/39/20
- Another calls it 25/25/25/25 by adding Technology to the end
- Bill Bernbach "Adapt your idea to the technique."
- Technology is not a crutch. It's a tool.
- Go a mile deep to find your message.
- You can't write copy by committee.
- Great copywriters are great interviewers.
- Gene Schwartz was a great copywriter
- The 7 Characteristics of Great Copywriters
- The New ABCs of Selling
- We are all copywriters at heart
- Great copywriters hate writing
- It's hard
Stealing is a felony. Stealing smart is an art."
- Jay Abraham has a file of 10,000 headlines
- Dan Kennedy builds walls to not get overwhelmed
- Become a trusted advisor vs. just a practitioner
- Join a mastermind
- Highlight the unique knowledge you have
- Build a list
- It does take time
- Take out an ad in the Penny Saver driving traffic to a squeeze page with your free report
- Give and give without selling
- Attract people to you
- Lead with content
- A used car salesman sent postcards each week with his inventory
- Brian recommended sending them an offer for a free report
- Be strategic
Links Mentioned In The Sales Podcast