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Shift Your Mind With MINDSHIFT Author Brian Solis on The Sales Podcast

"Humanity is a competitive advantage.”





Sales Tips you'll learn today on The Sales Podcast...

  • Remember why you started.
  • Get back to basics.
  • People want to feel seen, heard, understood, and appreciated.
  • The golden rule in competitive life is treat people the way they want to be treated.
  • "Cost takeout" is driving most businesses (and I think it's hurting them).
  • You need to invest in experience.
  • Prospects will pay 25% more for a better experience.


  • Build a culture of empowerment, and you'll outperform your competition.

Humanity is a competitive advantage.”

  • Google studied their high-performing teams to find out their secret to success. Those who felt safe about sharing ideas and asking questions grew the most.
  • Eric Schmidt admitted Google missed the boat on Open AI. They got comfortable.
  • See what is coming and dedicate resources to them.
  • "Humanity is the killer app."
  • AI will help us become more human.
  • IKEA's AI solves 57% of problems on the first attempt.
  • They were smart and re-skilled their reps to be interior designers, and they added $1 billion in one year. This is what it looks like when people get a taste of what good service looks like.
  • How do we grow from here?
  • Take time to learn and listen.
  • Today is "relationship therapy."
  • Customers are anxious. They're overwhelmed with information. They overuse technology and social media platforms.
  • This is his first new book in five years and the world has changed.
  • He had a huge blog but it's not the same.
  • "Who are your people? Where do they go for information? Where are they feeling the greatest pressure?"
  • He makes a lot of content: article, short video, longer email, etc.
  • Give away your best stuff for free upfront.


Sales Growth Tools Mentioned In The Sales Podcast

Join the Inner Circle hosted by Wes Schaeffer, The Sales Whisperer®