Read your prospects to sell how they want to buy
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- SalesDrive
- Finds the "hunters"
- The DriveTest®, three non-teachable attributes = Drive
- Need for achievement.
- "A soldier will fight long and hard for a bit of colored ribbon." - Napoleon Bonaparte
- Competitiveness
- Peers
- Win customers over to their point of view
- Optimism (resiliency)
- Drive is the easiest to fake in an interview and the most difficult to accurately rate
- Assessment + interview questions
- What makes a great salesperson?
- Persuasion
- Organizational skills
- Etc.
- 5 keys in
- Conscientiousness: achievement orientation
- Nature vs Nurture
- Parents must hold their kids accountable
- The cost of an under-performer can impact you negatively to the tune of 6-figures easily
- His tests are just $200 so you can afford it, even if you're just starting out
- Bigger companies need to streamline their interview process
- He gives "forced choice" questions
- Needs to also be a fit culturally
- If they are low on need for achievement and competitiveness then their optimism can kill your company
- Strong need for achievement helps balance them from being a bull in a China shop
- Gut feel is still important. There must be chemistry.
- Smart salespeople will study how to interview and they'll take over the interview
- This is like "Consumer Reports" for reviewing your candidates
- You can teach people how to do a demo and connect with people
- You must have the culture to manage the sales hunters
- Look for candidates with external motivators like a mortgage and car payments
Links Mentioned In The Sales Podcast