Convert More Inbound Leads With AI and David Tal’s
Apr 05, 2022
Use Artificial Intelligence to grow your sales efficiently
Entrepreneurial Tips you'll learn today on The Sales Podcast...
- Founder of
- Got into real estate after trying to become a movie producer
- His uncle was in real estate
- 2008 real estate crash crashed his dreams
- Got into a boutique real estate brokerage firm in San Diego and fell in love with the industry
- Always had an entrepreneurial spirit
- Had a team of agents
- Tried to feed his agents leads
- Learned how bad his agents were at following up with leads
- All agents were terrible at following up with leads
Related episodes and posts
- He and his brother started "My Agent Finder"
- Raised some money
- Grew to a nationwide market in 2015
- Agents loved his leads
- He was great at qualifying and disqualifying leads, but they were a small portion of the leads their clients were getting
Time kills deals."
- Clients started asking him to qualify their leads
- Expanded into more industries
- Humans are humans
- Follow up is key
- This is an internet leads problem
- He used to meet leads by having them walk into his office!
- "Location! Location! Location!"
- He would shake their hands, look them in the eyes, and confirm they were good leads.
![Chris Orlob of on The Sales Podcast 233](
Chris Orlob created and AI to help you grow your sales.
- Leads now come in day and night, with all levels of interest, with fake info
- Time kills deals
- Use humans + AI to supercharge your lead flow
72% of homebuyers will work with the first agent they meet."
- Buyers aren't typically looking for an agent. They are less loyal.
- 40% of his leads were for homeowners looking to list their homes.
- There are 10-20x the number of real estate leads, but the same number of homes are being sold
- You must filter out your leads and disqualify them quickly
The majority of leads are disqualified."
- With the right mix of humans plus AI you can get really good at lead qualification and lead disqualification
- Don't replace humans, make your salespeople more efficient
- You need to make 6-8 touches to follow up with a lead
- Convert inbound leads to qualified opportunities
Sales Growth Tools Mentioned In The Sales Podcast
- Visit Verse to book a demo on how to convert more leads faster