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Defeat Ennui: Easy As 1, 2, 3

Tom Brady doesn't check his Facebook when he's dropping back in the pocket.

Michael Phelps didn't check email during the 200 meter individual medley.

Jimmie Johnson doesn't Tweet while he's trading paint at 200mph with fellow 700hp racers.

These guys know the secrets to dominate their niches.

They also know that when you dominate your niche there is no ennui.

en·nui  änˈwē/
a feeling of listlessness and dissatisfaction arising from a lack of occupation or excitement.

How to Stay Excited in Business

Wes, of course those guys are satisfied. They're performing in front of millions of people while earning millions of dollars. That's exciting!"

I hear ya. 

But they didn't always perform in front of millions.

Because of their ability to defeat ennui when they were "nobodies" they were able to perform in front of millions for millions.

When Michael Phelps was 18 years old he was swimming nearly 100 miles per week, including Christmas Day to "get that extra edge." 

Tom Brady has three personal trainers and a Chinese medicine specialist to help compete at the highest level.

For these guys, training is their business.

They know that the more you bleed in practice, the less you'll bleed in competition.

Who's training you?

How do you keep your edge when there are no crowds and you have no audience?

In anything in life including sports and business, defeating ennui is as easy as 1, 2, 3.

  1. Focus.
  2. Intensity.
  3. Quality.

We read in the Good Book that you cannot serve two masters.

When it comes to dominating your niche you must "choose who to lose."

You cannot serve the whole market, at least not at first.

If you're a chiropractor will you also add massage therapy and physical therapy and nutrition counseling and laser treatment and supplements?

Sure, they all go together and are related, but what are you known for? 

Are you trying to do too much too soon? 

If you're a real estate agents are you trying to sell single family residences and land and commercial property and multi-family?

Sure, they are all related in that, but what are you known for?

If you have this feeling of listlessness and dissatisfaction because you're no longer excited about your work, take a step back and ask yourself if you're trying to do too much.

Cut out the extraneous things that you're just "dabbling" in so you can...

  • Focus on what you do best.
  • Put your heart into it.
  • Produce a quality product.

You'll be #1 before you know it.

If you need more help growing your sales, check out the following resources scattered around this site and a few others I operate, such as: