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How to Fix Your Skinny and Ill-Defined Pipelines, Don Lazzari

"Take the mash and make whiskey." 



Sales Tips you'll learn today on The Sales Podcast...

  • Keep your training practical and applicable.
  • "A curated selection of sales knowledge."
  • Younger salespeople are still hungry for the wisdom and insight we can give as experienced professionals.
  • Sales Vital Signs
    • Look at your sales pipeline as a continuum
    • You need more pressure at the top
    • Most pipelines are skinny and ill-defined
  • You must have a discussion with the market through marketing.
  • You need an evangelist.
  • He does weekly 1-on-1s with your salespeople.
  • "What's new to funnel and what's new to pipeline, i.e., the interest vs. action?"


  • You need to track activities and pipeline progress.
  • Stamp out the optimism in the pipeline.
  • Share the voice of the customer.
  • "1,000 points of light" in marketing.
  • Evangelize the success of your customers.
  • Share a good message.
  • What are your big three? Tie your success stories to the three big benefits of your offering.
Take the mash and make whiskey.”
  • Pin your benefits to value.
  • "Schoolhouse Rock" boiled it down to threes.
  • People only remember 50% then 25% then only the headlines.
  • You create credibility by asking insightful questions.
  • Big fan of "S.P.I.N. Selling."
  • You're not paying me for my hours, you're paying me for what I know.
  • Pre-Med to writing.
  • People still appreciate candor.
There's a lot of smoke in the woods."

  • "My job is not to be the expert, it's to make you money."


Sales Growth Tools Mentioned In The Sales Podcast

Join the Inner Circle hosted by Wes Schaeffer, The Sales Whisperer®