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Doug C. Brown Shares Successful Sales Growth Strategies

"Win-Win Selling" author shares how he bounced back from $60k in the hole

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Sales Growth Tips you'll learn today on The Sales Podcast...

  • Had two kids in diapers and a wife who stayed at home and he walked away from a multi-6-figure sales job because he was "dying a little bit each day"
  • Ended up $60,000 in debt with his three business partners
  • Four months later he had no partners and only $1,500/mo in revenue 


I believe in you. Do you believe in you?"
  • Did some work with the Guerrilla Marketing guy who steered him to Chet Holmes who had a $4,000 sales coaching program (this was in 2001)
  • "I believe in you. Do you believe in you?"
  • $998,000 in the next 15 months all in the telecom consulting space
  • Became a sales coach for Chet Holmes then Tony Robbins
  • Put a system around the telecom business selling 3-5 year contracts so he had the bandwidth to work for and with Chet and Tony
  • He had to make the decision that he was worth it, i.e. free and autonomous
  • He wanted to give his kids a better future
  • Chet had pigheaded determination
  • Chet taught him the Best Buyer process
  • Chet succumbed to leukemia
  • Tony Robbins and Doug went out on their own
  • Don't pull back or hunker down or wait for the smoke to clear
  • Put the pedal down while your competitors bury their heads in the sand
  • Reach out. Communicate. Stay in touch.
  • We want connection
  • Increase your prospecting efforts
  • Direct mail still works
  • Send lumpy mail and make them laugh
  • Send a handwritten note
  • Follow up with a phone call and email, i.e. The A.B.C.D.E. Sales & Marketing System™
  • Your prospects are looking for help
  • He built commission sales teams as he did for Chet Holmes
  • He does one-on-one coaching and consulting
  • He has a training company
  • Avoid "scope seep" where you try to do too much that they didn't ask for
  • To make any sale you must make every sale

Links Mentioned In The Sales Podcast