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Every Job is a Sales Job, With Dr. Cindy McGovern

Don't Sell. Invite Them To Buy. 

Click here to download the episode. 


Sales Tips you'll learn today on The Sales Podcast...

  • Tell your story or your competition will
  • You don't have to fit into the mold
  • Get past the "ick factor"
  • Pull back the curtain
  • Be vulnerable and open with your prospects
  • Get clear on who you are and what you want, what your hangups are and go after it
  • You need a plan
  • You need to listen to hit your goals
  • Walk away if it's not right
  • You're creating a customer for life
  • Your story sets you apart
  • Plan. Find the right opportunity. Establish trust by listening. Ask. Follow-up.

Eat This To Sell More

  • You get stuck on your quota
  • Focus on the opening
  • Prove you'll work harder by opening better
  • Elevator stories vs. elevator pitches
  • Don't sell 'em. Invite 'em to buy.
  • The new ABCs of Selling
  • "Johnny two-thumbs selling method" is not professional sales
  • Stop pushing the rock uphill. Acknowledge that everyone thinks selling is icky, but we're all in sales.
  • Are you clear on what you want in life?
  • Do you feel under appreciated in your job? How much of that is on you?
  • Get her bonus chapter on personal branding
  • It's not all roses and unicorns but how do you look at things? Is it an obstacle or an opportunity?
  • Ask what your options are.
  • Maybe it's your loyalty and optimism that gets you the raise.
  • Your boss won't always notice the great work you're doing.
  • It's our job to be noticed at work.
  • It's not brown-nosing.
  • Service is an expectation.
  • Find opportunities in service.
  • When to tell a customer to go pound sand.
  • Customers get angry when they feel ignored.
  • Business. Psychology. Communication.

Links Mentioned In The Sales Podcast