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Because Jitsu, Drew Weatherhead, on 'Consciousness, Reality & Purpose'

Let's discuss the COVID elephant in the room



Tips on Finding Your Purpose you'll learn today on The Sales Podcast...

  • Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu black belt
  • Now a new author of "Consciousness, Reality & Purpose"
  • Host of The Social Disorder Podcast 
    • Five episodes a week
    • Lots of information that built up in his brain
    • He had questions that he had to answer
    • Most people don't dig into these questions
  •  There's a lot of "art" in martial art, and few people see it.
  • Once you have an idea of what the game is, you can give your perspective on things.

Related episodes and posts

  • The COVID pandemic led him to write his book.
  • He had a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu podcast, but he wanted to do something more meaningful.
  • He started with "The Elephant In The Room."
  • His sister got paralyzed by the vaccine.
  • He lost his business in Canada due to their idiotic, planned, intentional COVID reaction.
  • We communicate a lot online now, and that's more about ego vs. having a true conversation.
  • He's looking to make you ask better questions.


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  • He addresses each of the three topics with nine chapters each.
  • We live in a culture that expects you to pick a vocation at 18 and stick with it until you're 65, at which point you're allowed to live again.
  • You can break that cycle.
  • Ask better questions.
  • We lack fulfillment in life.
  • When Rockefeller took over the public school system and changed it publically so he could have a nation of workers, not thinkers.
  • Critical thinking is no longer a thing.
  • Find something you love doing and tie it into a vocational avenue, and you'll love it.
  • He works every hour of the day.
Critical thinking is no longer a thing."
  • Around Sept 2015, when he was a purple belt, he was a bit frustrated and pissed off with Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.
  • He was a welder for 15 years.
  • Started making memes while on the welding shop floor.
  • It was cathartic.
  • It took off.
  • People were laughing with him.


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  • You find truisms and tropes in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and quipped about it.
  • He had to leave Canada twice now, and it was tough.
  • He was a prisoner in his own home in Canada.
  • For 18 months, he has lived in an RV, six months in Texas, and six months in Canada.
  • The U.S. won't allow unvaccinated people to fly into the U.S.

Sales Growth Tools Mentioned In The Sales Podcast

  • Take The CRM Quiz: get a free consultation with me
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  • Send Drunk Emails: ...that get opened and get you paid!
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