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Dustin Howes: From WP Engine To Affiliate Marketing Master

Expand your reach affordably with affiliate marketing

Click here to download the episode. 


Sales Tips you'll learn today on The Sales Podcast...

  • Former affiliate manager at WP Engine
  • Had a 4-man team
  • Focused on fraud prevention and recruitment
  • Worked at Commission Junction years ago and cut his teeth on fraud prevention there
  • LeadDyno is an affordable affiliate platform for starters
  • ShareASale is good if you're going big
  • ImactRadius is more expensive but quality
  • Affiliate marketing helps you expand your reach
  • Ranges (study your top three competitors)
    • Physical products about 10% fee
    • Virtual products up to 80% fees
    • Services about 10%
  • Training affiliates can be tough but focus on customers first since they have firsthand knowledge of your abilities.
  • Follow a process for educating your affiliates
  • Could take up to six months to grow properly

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Links Mentioned In The Sales Podcast

Now go sell something.